2017 01. January (16.43 MB) 02. February (16.85 MB) 03. March (17.28 MB) 04. April (16.89 MB) 05. May (18.26 MB) 06. June (16.84 MB) 07. July (17.46 MB) 08. August (16.69 MB) 09. September (17.94 MB…
The Treasurer-Tax Collector accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card for payment of taxes. There is a service fee equal to 2.29% of your tax amount (with a minimum…
2018 01. January (16.79 MB) 02. February (16.91 MB) 03. March (19.66 MB) 04. April (16.41 MB) 05. May (16.84 MB) 06. June (18.91 MB) 07. July (17.03 MB) 08. August (17.44 MB) 09. September (19.05 MB…
Frequently Asked Questions on Supplemental Property Tax Bills
2019 1. January (18.14 MB) 2. February (17.44 MB) 3. March (19.23 MB) 4. April (7.55 MB) 5. May (18.45 MB) 6. June (18.39 MB) 7. July (18.88 MB) 8. August (17.98 MB) 9. September (20.31 MB) 10.…
There is frequently some confusion about the different roles of the Treasurer-Tax Collector and the Assessor. They are two different elected officials serving the public in different roles. The…
2020 1. January (20.92 MB) 2. February (22.41 MB) 3. March (23.88 MB)…
If you have questions on the monthly report, please contact Shari Freidenrich, Orange County Treasurer, at Treasurer@ttc.ocgov.com. The Treasurer's Monthly Investment Report for the County of Orange…
Continuing Disclosure 2-17-16 Debt Management Policy Land Secured Financing Policy Statement and Applicant Packet Resolution 00-353, Dated 9-12-2000 Resolution 04-126…
RETURN TO THE PDF DOCUMENT VERSION OF THE 2009-2010 BUDGET WORKBOOK INTRODUCTION The County Executive Office (CEO) is pleased to present the FY 2009-10 Recommended Budget. The CEO budget proposal to…