Most Californians feel secure in their emergency preparedness – until the emergency happens. More than seven out of 10 Californians are not prepared for an emergency.
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AlertOC is a mass notification system to keep residents and businesses informed of emergencies. By registering with AlertOC, time-sensitive messages may be sent to your home, cell or business phone. Text messages may also be sent to cell phones, e-mail accounts and hearing impaired receiving devices. Please visit for more information.
Make a Kit
County employees, city officials and emergency professionals will be on the scene after an emergency, but they cannot reach everyone right away. Therefore, the best way to make you and your family safer is to be prepared before an emergency happens. Make an emergency supply kit of the most important items you may need in the event of an emergency. Visit for more information.
Create a Plan
Your family may not be together in the event of an emergency, so plan now how you will contact one another and review what you will do in different situations. Make a family communications plan that includes an evacuation plan and coordinates with your school, work and community. Practice this plan with your entire family. Visit for the basics on creating a plan for before, during, and after an emergency.