The Orange County Stormwater Permittees have recently conducted and participated in a number of special studies and investigations which are available below. If there are any questions regarding the…
The County of Orange Stormwater Permittees have developed planning frameworks to identify the most significant water quality issues related to urban runoff sources that can be addressed at the…
Beach Access Drinking Fountain Hand Canoe/Kayak lunching Picnic Area Guest Dock Restrooms Showers Swimming Tables Volleyball Courts
Below is the Santa Ana Regional Board jurisdictional Stormwater Program Effectiveness Assessment (PEA) for the County of Orange/Orange County Flood Control District (County), for the 2017-18…
Below is the Stormwater Program Effectiveness Assessment (PEA) for the County of Orange/Orange County Flood Control District (County), for the 2015-16 reporting period (July 1, 2015…
In order to increase awareness and understanding of the 2003 DAMP, the Orange County Stormwater Permittees have worked to develop training modules to accompany each of the model program elements. If…
Access archived PEA reports using the navigation menu.
For most of property owners who purchased their property prior to 1973 and plan to refinance, they should first check and obtain flood zone information for their property and take it into careful…
Issue Reporting If you see or experience potential misconduct, or if you need guidance on a compliance related issue, you are encouraged to first communicate the issue to your supervisor or manager…