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Showing: 1051 - 1060 of 3239 results

Sunset Fitness Hike on Paved Hicks Haul Road Both Sides of Loma Ridge

You will enjoy a gorgeous sunset with panoramic views of Orange County while hiking in OC Parks’ Irvine Ranch Open Space on the paved Hicks Haul Road. This hike travels 6 miles, out and back crossing…

Open Space Invaders Invasive Plant Removal at Silverado Creek

Non-native and invasive plant species are invading our native habitat and open spaces. They aggressively compete with our native plants for resources and spreads rapidly once established. Monitoring…

Animal Signs and Tracks in Agua Chinon

Come search for evidence that animals leave behind in OC Parks’ Irvine Ranch Open Space. Mule deer, bobcats, coyotes and even mountain lions call this hidden canyon home. Gain the basic tracking…

Stewardship Day at the West Sinks View Deck

Please join us as we enhance habitat adjacent to the west viewing deck at the Sinks in Limestone Canyon. This area is characterized by beautiful geological formations that resemble a mini–Grand…

Dripping Springs Trail Restoration

Spend the morning watering and mulching Coast Live Oak seedlings within a beautiful oak woodland and then hike to Dripping Springs, a natural water source dripping out of an earthquake fault and down…

Evening Family Beginner Mountain Bike Ride Limestone Canyon to The Sinks

For families and children ages 12 and up who would like to join IRC-certified volunteers in OC Parks’ Irvine Ranch Open Space on a longer, slow-paced, family-oriented ride through sycamores, oaks,…

Moderate Paced Mountain Bike Ride Gypsum Canyon

If you enjoy riding in scenic wilderness on uncrowded single/double track trails, then please join us on this docent led ride in Gypsum Canyon Wilderness Park. Gypsum is a new addition to OC Parks…

Bright Birds of Spring in Gypsum Canyon Bird Walk

Birds are among the most colorful and entertaining forms of wildlife on the Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks. Bring your binoculars and join us on a slow/medium paced walk in OC Parks’ Gypsum Canyon…

Looking for Native Animals in Your Backyard Round Canyon

There are critters in your backyard: big ones, little ones, furry ones, ones with feathers, and ones with scales. They go about their business and pay little attention to you. In fact, they would…

Monday Morning Super Trek Weir Canyon to the Overlook Trail

Come start your week with us on our Super Treks in the Landmarks. Join us as we explore Weir Canyon, part of OC Parks’ Irvine Ranch Open Space. We will hike up over Rifle Range and continue to the…