Non-native and invasive plant species are invading our native habitat and open spaces. They aggressively compete with our native plants for resources and spreads rapidly once established. Monitoring…
Non-native and invasive plant species are invading our native habitat and open spaces. They aggressively compete with our native plants for resources and spreads rapidly once established. Monitoring…
Join us for a slow-paced interpretive hike related to current IRC projects focused on research, monitoring, and conservation. The series will rotate through the landscape based on the season…
Spend the morning watering and nurturing Tecate Cypress trees and Coast Live Oak seedlings at the Fremont Staging area. Please be aware that you may be instructed to use tools for this activity such…
Spend your morning watering, mulching and weeding the newly planted Coast Live Oak seedlings within a beautiful oak woodland in Baker Canyon. No experience necessary.Please note that you will be…
A slow-paced beginner mountain bike ride for adults in Limestone Canyon, part of OC Parks’ Irvine Ranch Open Space, through sycamores, oaks, and habitat native to California. The route takes us to…
Enjoy miles of lush oak studded canyons, fascinating rock formations and sweeping views from the Overlook Trail in the tranquility of the Weir Canyon back country, part of OC Parks’ Irvine Ranch Open…
Come start your week with us on our Super Treks in the Landmarks. Join us as we explore Limestone Canyon, part of OC Parks’ Irvine Ranch Open Space. We will hike across East Loma and enjoy beautiful…
Come and hike with us to Dripping Springs, location of the Earthcache site listed on The cache is titled, “Dripping Springs Aquifer- Irvine Ranch Wildlands, GC1ZC04.”…
Experienced mountain bikers can explore one of the most rugged and remote areas of OC Parks’ Irvine Ranch Open Space from the trails of Fremont Canyon Nature Preserve on this moderate-paced ride…