Location County Administration North 400 W Civic Center Drive, 6th Floor, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Website https://d2.ocgov.com/
Location County Administration North 400 W Civic Center Drive, 6th Floor, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Website https://d5.ocgov.com/ Fax (714) 834-2670
Location 1630 Victory Road, Tustin, CA 92782 Website https://www.ocpetinfo.com/
Robert Faigin is the Executive Director of the Office of Independent Review (OIR) for the County of Orange, California. The primary mission of the OIR is to review systemic issues and specific…
On Wednesday, May 24 2023, an Orange County Jail inmate housed at the Intake Release Center in Module L died at Orange County Global Medical Center, Santa Ana. The decedent is a 37-year-old White…
On Thursday, April 13, 2023, an Orange County Jail inmate housed at the Intake Release Center in Module L died at Orange County Global Medical Center, Santa Ana. The decedent is a 37-year-old White…
Aggie Alonso is an experienced executive with over 25 years of auditing experience. Aggie began his career in 1998 with the Los Angeles County Auditor-Controller’s Audit Division where he worked his…
Department Orange County Assessor Location Assessor - Main Office - North County 500 S Main Street, 2nd floor, Orange, CA 92868 Website…
RepresentingDistrict 3Appointed byCity Selection CommitteeWhy are you part of the OC Human Relations Commission?As an Arab and Muslim-American, I've personally experienced the challenges of…