Public Hearing on Planning Application PA20-0133 for a Use Permit for a 10-unit detached condominium planned development.
Public Hearing on Planning Application PA19-0188 for a Site Development Permit and Use Permit.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE ORANGE COUNTY SUBDIVISION COMMITTEE SUBJECT: “B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19149 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.2a, Ranch Plan Planned Community LOCATION:…
“B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19151 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.2a, Ranch Plan Planned Community
Public Hearing on Planning Application PA21-0092 for a Site Development Permit to allow for an 89-unit residential project, a model home complex, and two Project Specific Alternative Site…
“A” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19150 for Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.2a, Ranch Planned Community
“A” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19163 for Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.2, Ranch Planned Community
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 9-3-2020BY THE ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR SUBJECT: Public Hearing on Planning Application PA20-0002 for a Use Permit.PROPOSAL: The applicant…
SUBJECT: “B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19152 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.2a, Ranch Plan Planned Community
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 8-26-2020BY THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSIONSUBJECT: General Plan Amendment GPA 20-01 Land Use, Transportation and Growth Management ElementsPROPOSAL: Recommend to the…