En una alianza modelo entre el sector público y privado, el condado de Orange anunció hoy que gracias a la colaboración entre 360 Clinic y la ciudad de Anaheim, el condado podrá aumentar…
On Wednesday, March 25, Orange County Health Department (HCA) will begin accepting donations of protective equipment and supplies for use by healthcare providers throughout the county.Read more
In a model private-public partnership, the County of Orange announced today that thanks to a collaboration with 360 Clinic and the City of Anaheim, the County will be able to significantly increase…
The OC Health Care Agency (HCA) today confirmed the first death of an Orange County resident related to COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.Read more
In a model private-public partnership, the County of Orange announced today that thanks to a collaboration with 360 Clinic and the City of Anaheim, the County will be able to significantly increase…
Today the County Service Center (CSC) proudly served its 100,000th customer since opening its doors on September 3, 2019. To commemorate this milestone, Chairwoman Michelle Steel and Vice Chairman…
The State of California has recently amended its guidance regarding youth sports practices, team drills and training and will no longer allow them to occur throughout the state.Read more
In an effort to minimize the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on park patrons, staff, and the Orange County community at large, and consistent with the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease…
Acting County Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau issued new Amended Orders and Strong Recommendations, effective immediately today in support of directives made earlier this week by the California…
Orange County has now had over 125 cases of Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) reported. There has been a rapid increase in daily reports of COVID-19 cases over the last several days and community…