SANTA ANA, Ca. (Mar. 26, 2018) – Beginning today, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department will make publicly available inmate release dates through the existing “Who’s in Jail” online database. This…
DANA POINT, Ca. (Nov. 6, 2019) – Distracted driving is a dangerous and illegal behavior the Sheriff’s Department is working to deter drivers from doing.View PDF
MISSION VIEJO, Ca. (August 27, 2020) – Orange County Sheriff’s Department Special Victims Detail investigators arrested a man yesterday suspected of committing multiple lewd acts on an underage girl…
DANA POINT, Ca. (Feb. 12, 2020) – The Orange County Sheriff’s Department will have extra deputies out on patrol Wednesday, Feb. 13, looking for violations made by drivers and motorcyclists that…
MEDAL OF COURAGE & LIFESAVING: Deputies stop man with machete On January 19, 2018 at 4:15 p.m., Deputies Anthony Garza, Robert Tomasko, Jason McLennan, Paul Chiron and Charles Johnson…
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Calif. (June 14, 2019)- The Orange County Sheriff’s Department will be conducting a specialized Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operation Sunday, June 16, in an effort to lower…
San Clemente, Ca. (May 10, 2019) – The Orange County Sheriff’s Department will step up bike and pedestrian safety enforcement operations throughout the city of San Clemente on Monday, May 13, with…
SANTA ANA, Ca. (July 14, 2020) –At approximately 7:40 a.m. today, an inmate housed at the Intake Release Center in Santa Ana was pronounced deceased. The inmate, a 63-year old man, was found…
SANTA ANA, Ca. (Feb. 21, 2020) – The Orange County Sheriff’s Department will have extra deputies out on patrol Monday, Feb. 24, in the cities of San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente looking for…
LAGUNA HILLS, Ca. (March 18, 2019) - The Orange County Sheriff’s Department Traffic Division will launch a special enforcement effort on Thursday, March 21, to target distracted driving in the city…