Effective today, Orange County Community Services will expand call center hours to meet the needs of seniors, veterans, business owners and the unemployed affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19…
The County of Orange is among several Continuums of Care (CoC) in Southern California that have been approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to forgo the Unsheltered…
Effective immediately, residents can sign up to receive text message updates related to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Orange County, California. To opt-in for this service, text OCCOVID19…
The County of Orange's Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 Recommended Budget has been released for review by the Board of Supervisors and the public. It is available online at http://www.ocgov.com/gov/ceo/…
Today the State of California has approved the County of Orange's plan to accelerate local businesses into Stage Two. The County was able to successfully demonstrate that Orange County meets the…
As of April 10, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA), in partnership with the City of Santa Ana Police Department, completed all assessments of homeless individuals residing in the Civic Center.Read more
Beaches operated by the County of Orange will reopen today with limitations. The State of California approved the County of Orange Phased Beach Reopening Plan Thursday to reopen County-operated…
The County of Orange, in cooperation with the host cities of Fullerton and Santa Ana, is extending the County's Cold Weather Armory Emergency Shelters in Santa Ana and Fullerton an additional 90 days…
Sergio Perez started as the Executive Director of the Office of Independent Review (OIR).Read more
To provide an update on steps being taken by the County of Orange to help address growing mental health needs, OC Health Care Agency (HCA) staff will present an overview of changes to the proposed FY…