The clocks spring forward early March 10, marking the beginning of daylight-saving time and OC Parks’ spring-summer operating schedule.The clocks spring forward early March 10, marking the beginning…
The Muth Interpretive Center at Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve will offer twice-daily screenings of "California Mountain Lions." Produced by UC Davis with significant input from OC Parks, this …
OC Parks is taking action and developing a long-term strategy to preserve public access and amenities at Capistrano Beach after coastal erosion seriously damaged a walkway.The beach has long battled…
Upcoming catfish stocking schedule by week for Irvine Lake, Carbon Canyon, Craig, Clark, Tri-City, Irvine, Laguna Niguel, Mile Square and Yorba regional Parks.California fishing license required* and…
Want to learn more about different aspects of OC Parks? Each month we bring you a Top 3 things to know about different topics in OC Parks.
OC Parks and OC Public Works is currently working to obtain a cost estimate for the Yorba Regional Park shelter roof replacement. A cost estimate will be obtained soon. If you have any questions,…
Santiago Oaks and Peters Canyon regional parks, as well as exterior trails at Irvine Regional Park, will be closed as of 12 p.m. Current weather forecasts show heavy rain expected in Canyon Fire 2…
OC Parks includes more than 60,000 acres of parks, historical and coastal landmarks, and open space that are full of breath-taking views and hidden gems. Grab your camera and come out to explore…
The clocks spring forward early March 8, marking the beginning of daylight-saving time and OC Parks’ spring-summer operating schedule.Spring-summer hours for the following regional parks are 7 a.m.…
UPDATED 5/5/21: In an effort to minimize the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) on park patrons, staff, and the Orange County community at large, and consistent with the guidance provided by the…