As we continue to wear disposable gloves and masks to protect ourselves, please remember to properly dispose of used protective equipment in the trash bin. Littering of waste can pollute the…
CLICK HERE to view a press release regarding Treated Wood Waste (TWW)
The holiday season brings so much joy and cheerful spirits to most of us, it also brings along an additional large amount of waste. Did you know that we send 25% more trash to landfills during…
Your friends at OC Waste & Recycling offer a suggestion for perhaps one of the easiest new year’s resolutions ever: Properly dispose of batteries! If you do, you will increase your environmental…
As of January 1, 2021, OC landfills will be unable to accept Treated Wood Waste (TWW) TWW as waste for disposal at our sites. This measure is in response to expiring state waivers handed down by the…
For those of us who enjoy spending our time in and around the ocean, a common site that usually accompanies those blue skies and majestic sunsets, unfortunately, can be the unsightly waste…
OC Waste and Recycling would like to remind our residents, that the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers, (HHWs), are required to close during rain events. This may include…
OC Waste & Recycling: Service Update Orange County Landfills and Household Hazardous Waste Centers remain open during normal business hours. Materials Exchange Programs (MEPs) will reopen…
Celebrate National Pizza Day this year by not only enjoying a slice of your favorite pizza, but also recycling the box in came in! The debate as to whether pizza boxes can…