A request for a Use Permit to establish the Trabuco Creek Equestrian Center, including a proposed 80-stall commercial stable on a portion of a 13.36-acre property. The stable facility proposed…
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 8-20-2020BY THE ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATORSUBJECT: Public Hearing on Planning Application PA20-0043 for a Use Permit.PROPOSAL: A request for a Use Permit in…
“B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19025 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.1, Ranch Plan Planned Community
“B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19025 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.1, Ranch Plan Planned Community “B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19026 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.1,…
Public Hearing on Planning Application PA20-0201 for a Coastal Development Permit, Use Permit and Variance.
Public Hearing on Planning Application PA20-0048 for a Site Development Permit to allow for a 73 unit single-family residential project, a model home sales complex, and a Project Specific Alternative…
Public Hearing on Planning Application PA19-0051 for a Use Permit to allow for an over-height accessory structure in the rear and side setback areas.
Public Hearing on Planning Application PA20-0015 for a Coastal Development Permit, Use Permit and Variance.
Public Hearing on Planning Application PA19-0049 for a Coastal Development Permit, Use Permit and Variance.
Public Hearing on Planning Application PA21-0055 for a Use Permit to establish a temple with an accessory preschool with shared parking, and a Variance for a reduction in the minimum building site…