COSTA MESA, CA. (August 8, 2022): On Wednesday, August 10, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department will have deputies at the Orange County Fair educating the public on how to monitor their alcohol…
ORANGE, Ca. (Aug. 12, 2022): Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy Arcadio Rodriguez, 30, has been arrested and is pending termination from employment for suspected sexual assault on multiple female inmates…
ORANGE, Ca. (September 2, 2022) – On Thursday, September 1, 2022, an inmate housed at the Theo Lacy Facility in Orange died at the hospital. The 57-year-old inmate was booked into jail on August 27…
(Santa Ana, CA) - Temperatures in most of Orange County are expected to reach the low to mid 90s beginning Wednesday 8/31 and reach the high 90s and low 100 degrees through Monday 9/5. High…
LAGUNA NIGUEL, Ca. (Sep. 6, 2022): The Orange County Sheriff’s Department will be conducting a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint on Friday, Sep. 9, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at an undisclosed location in…
Report shows a six percent increase in hate activity from 2020 in Orange County. SANTA ANA, Calif. (September 6, 2022) — On September 15, 2022, the public is invited to participate in the virtual…
Looking to learn more about composting ? Composting benefits gardens and landscapes, and on a broader level, helps reduce methane gases for a healthier environment. With more than half the space of…
Housing & Community Development & Homeless Prevention will be going out for a public notice on Thursday February 8, 2018. The public notice period is from February 8, 2018 – March 12, 2018.…
The Costa Mesa Donald Dungan Library staff are our employees of the month for June!Library staff went above and beyond to get the new library ready for the Grand Opening on May 24th. The new library…
Employee of the Month - Nelda Stone Library Assistant, Nelda Stone consistently provides OCPL patrons with exceptional reference service. A member of the Historical Images Committee, Nelda provides…