SUBJECT: PA20-0072: General Plan Amendment GPA 20-02 Transportation Element PROPOSAL: Recommend to the Board of Supervisors amendment of the County of Orange Circulation Plan, contained in the…
SUBJECT: PA20-0073: General Plan Amendment GPA 20-03 Transportation Element PROPOSAL: Recommend to the Board of Supervisors amendment of the County of Orange Circulation Plan, contained in the…
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 2-20-2020SUBJECT: Public Hearing on Planning Application PA19-0248 for a Coastal Development Permit and Variance. PROPOSAL: A…
SUBJECT: “B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19029 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.1, Ranch Plan Planned Community
SUBJECT: “B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19030 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.1, Ranch Plan Planned Community
PA20-0255 – Certification of Acoustical Consultants for placement on OC Public Works’ ‘Certified Acoustical Consultants’ list, per Section V-C of the County’s Land Use/Noise Compatibility Manual…
SUBJECT: “B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19028 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.1, Ranch Plan Planned Community.
SUBJECT: “B” Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19031 within Planning Area 3, Subarea 3.1, Ranch Plan Planned Community.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 2-20-2020SUBJECT: Public Hearing on Planning Application PA19-0268 for a Use Permit. PROPOSAL: A Use Permit to allow the height of…
Public Hearing on Planning Application PA19-0078 for a Site Development Permit and Variance.