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Showing: 1781 - 1790 of 4673 results

Santa Clara and Prospect Avenue Drainage Improvements and Sidewalk Gap Closure

Project Background In April 2019, OC Public Works received an inquiry from an area resident regarding flooding at the intersection of Santa Clara Avenue and Prospect Avenue., which prompted staff to…

Compost Awareness

Compost AwarenessWhat is composting? Below are some helpful links to help explain what composting is all about: Live Brighter Blog, What is composting? UCCE Master Gardener,…

Human Resource Services

The Human Resource Services (HRS) Department within the County of Orange provides services to each agency/department through a centralized model. The Health Care Agency (HCA) is assigned a satellite…

DHCS Licensed Residential Facilities andor Certified Alcohol and Drug Programs

This is an alphabetical list by county of all non-medical alcoholism and drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities licensed and/or certified by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). Within…

Documents Maps

In this section you will find several informational resources including online maps, drawings, reports, manuals, and links to County Standard Plans and other government resources. Standard Plans…

Flood Control Project Process

Around the turn of the 20th century, farming interest began development of the land today known as Orange County. Farms and factories were soon established and as farming intensified and prospered, a…

Contact Information

Have a question about Environmental Health programs or types of services our Division provides? Our staff at Environmental Health is available to assist you. Select how you would like to contact us…

COVID19 Health News

The COVID-19 Health News weekly email bulletin features the latest news, facts and information about COVID-19. Sign up for the newsletter by clicking here.   Newsletters: May 13, 2022 -…