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At times it may be necessary to disable your browser's Pop-up Blocker when viewing a site that contains useful pop-up windows (online training). Below is a simple example of how to disable the Pop-up…
Diseases Index - A-Z Disease Prevention Foodborne Illness FAQ
Cutaneous anthrax Cutaneous anthrax follows deposition of the organism onto a cut, sore or abrasion on the skin, occurring particularly on exposed areas of the hands, arms, or face. An area of local…
Issue Reporting Training Provider Resources
The following information is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Emerging Infectious Diseases: Bioterrorism-related inhalational anthrax: the first 10 cases reported in the…
#popular-container-secondary #left-nav-top span.left-nav-txt{font-size:1.5em;margin-bottom:-1px;} Anthrax-Microbiology Bacillus anthracis-gram +, spore-forming, bacillus Spores may remain…
Escherichia coli (E. coli) are bacteria that can be found routinely in the intestines of healthy humans and animals worldwide and are usually harmless. However, some people may get urinary…