About downloading files Description English Spanish CDPH 9042 Medical Marijuana Program Application / Renewal Form CDPH 9044…
Subscribe to our newsletters. Our+Care OC Our+Care OC is a newsletter developed by HIV-positive individuals to share information and resources for persons living with HIV/…
On January 1, 2022, the Whole Person Care Pilot Program transitioned to a new Medi-Cal initiative called California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM). CalAIM seeks to improve the…
So what is recuperative care (RC)? RC provides persons struggling with homelessness and with acute and post-acute medical needs, short-term, authorized stays in a supportive transitional housing…
CDC Advisory Regarding the Use of the LeadCare Analyzer to Analyze Venous Blood Specimens Algorithm From CDC Lead Testing Guidelines Lead Education Materials…
Learn About Lead Poisoning What is Lead? What is Lead Poisoning? How do I Have My Child Tested? My Child Has an Elevated Lead Level Links and Brochures…
Matrix of Interagency Programs Program Profiles Program Name Continuing Care Placement Unit (CCPU) Program Description Purpose/Mission of Program Provide…
Immersion Incidents & Drowning Deaths in Orange County Drowning consistently remains the leading cause of death for children 1-4 years of age, and among the top five leading causes for those…
OCIC Related Links AAP SmartBrief American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) California Immunization Coalition (CIC) California Department of Public Health (CDPH) California Immunization…
Immunization Registries – CAIR Immunization registries are confidential, computerized information systems, which enable providers to track and update the immunization records, assess which…