Beginning January 1, 2022 ALL businesses and multi-family complexes located in the California must have both a recycling program and organics recycling program in place in order to comply…
SB 1383 requires that multifamily complexes of five units or more are required select one of the two following options: Subscribe to and participate in their jurisdiction’s organics curbside…
Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reduction (SB 1383) CalRecycle has recently published additional resources to non-local entities, including schools, with SB 1383…
Click here for OC Recycle Guide.
The Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) program combines recycling with economic development to fuel new businesses, expand existing ones, create jobs, and keep unnecessary waste out…
Discuss our book of the month or share something you read during the week! A copy of the book will be provided. This month's book is The Cell Phone Lot by Greta Gorsuch. Description: After putting…
Discuss our book of the month or share something you read during the week! A copy of the book will be provided. This month's book is The Cell Phone Lot by Greta Gorsuch. Description: After…
Discuss our book of the month or share something you read during the week! A copy of the book will be provided. This month's book is The Cell Phone Lot by Greta Gorsuch. Description: After…
Discuss our book of the month or share something you read during the week! A copy of the book will be provided. This month's book is The Cell Phone Lot by Greta Gorsuch. Description: After…