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Showing: 1601 - 1610 of 7866 results


OCCP subcommittee: Child Welfare Services Redesign Planning Council - implements statewide and local efforts to improve CWS service systems and delivery with emphasis on prevention, diversion…


Mandated Reporter 11165.7. (a) As used in this article, "mandated reporter" is defined as any of the following: A teacher. An instructional aide. A teacher's aide or teacher's…

Vocational Assessment

Vocational Assessment is the activity following Job Services for CalWORKs Welfare-To-Work participants who have not found full-time employment. The assessment is a professional evaluation of the…

Child and Family Team CFT

    A Child and Family Team (CFT) refers to a group of individuals who collaborate with one another to support and serve the child/youth and family to ensure that the child’s/youth’s…

Job Services

Job Services is generally the first activity for new CalWORKs Welfare-To-Work participants. It is a four-week program designed to provide the participant with training to learn basic job seeking and…


MYTHS VS. REALITY MYTH: Child sex trafficking is rare and doesn’t happen where we live. REALITY: It is widespread but often hidden and can only be uncovered by vigilant people who report their…

Making A Report

Orange County Adult Protective Services (APS) at 800-451-5155 (24-Hour Hotline) Facts on Financial Abuse - Reporting for Financial Institutions. Elder Abuse Forensic Center - A collaboration of…

Team Members

Personnel Agency Social Workers Children and Family Services, SSA Deputy District Attorneys District Attorney's Office Medical Providers Health Care…


What Is Child Abuse? If you would like to discuss or report child abuse, you may call 714-940-1000 or 800-207-4464, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Child Abuse is legally defined as: A physical…

How Do I
