Celebrando Nuestra 12va Conferencia Virtual Latina de Alzheimer Viernes 5 de Noviembre, 2021 9:30 am - 12:30 pm facebook.com/AlzOCEspanol Un evento virtual donde doctores expertos hablarán acerca…
This program is designed to provide unemployed, economically disadvantaged older adults with useful, part-time community service employment in a public or private non-profit agency. This is a work/…
Contracted Providers Speakers Bureau
Office on Aging OC Community Services 1300 S. Grand Ave, Bldg B Santa Ana, CA 92705 Toll Free: (800) 510-2020 Local: (714) 480-6450 CURRENT CALL CENTER HOURS Monday - Friday, 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.…
If you would like us to send you one of the printed resources listed below, please check the desired items and fill out your mailing information below. Many of these materials are also…
The Home-Delivered Meal program helps provide meals regularly to homebound seniors who are over the age of 60. The program provides two or three meals a day, Monday through Friday. Some providers…
The Congregate Meals program helps seniors meet recommended daily nutritional intake by providing meals served in a group setting. This program is designed to maintain or improve the physical and…
An Ombudsman is a state-certified, trained volunteer advocate for residents who live in long-term care facilities such as nursing facilities and residential facilities for seniors. An Ombudsman helps…
The November 2000 amendments to the Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965 created Title III E, the National Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP). The FCSP was established to provide a range of support…