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Showing: 781 - 790 of 7860 results

OC Zoning Administrator

Location: County Administation South Building, Multipurpose Room 105 All Zoning Administrator hearings are scheduled to be held at 1:30 pm, on the first and third Thursday of each…

About OC Construction

OC Construction provides construction management, inspection and compliance monitoring services for the construction of roads, bridges, flood control facilities and bikeways in support of OC Public…

Our Core Services

Construction Management Provides services for County-funded infrastructure projects, including administering public works contracts and providing inspection services. Materials Laboratory Provides…

Via Terracaleta

Via Terracaleta Initial Study IS PA19-0100 06.07.19 Initial Study exhibits only 06.07.19 Via Terracaleta NOP 06.07.19 Application letter Vesting Tentative Tract Map 17306 - 1st…

Contact Us

OC Road Fee ProgramsFor any additional information, please contact the OC Road Fee Programs Team and someone will get back to you.Address:601 N. Ross Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Click  here for…

Inactive OC Road Fee Programs

Avenida La Pata Supplementary Road Fee Program Plano Trabuco Road Fee Program

Trabuco Canyon Road Bridge Replacement Project

Project Background The bridge located along Trabuco Canyon Road, between Rose Canyon Road and Trabuco Creek Road, is nearing the end of its service life and has required repeated maintenance…

POSTBURN Preparedness

Homeowners’ Guide for Post-Fire Flood, Debris, and Erosion Control We know from past experience that burn areas are especially susceptible to damage from flooding, and mud and debris flows that…

During a Flood

Safety is the most important consideration. Since floodwaters can rise very rapidly, you should be prepared to evacuate before the water level reaches your property. Keep the following in mind: Have…

Archived SARFPA

Archived SARFPA Executive Committee 2020 SARFPA Executive Committee Meeting Agenda November 19, 2020 and Meeting Minutes September 24, 2020 Meeting Agenda September 24, 2020 and…