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Land InfoSystems Products

Note: The Annual Maintenance fee applies to updates that should occur to a file/map. To purchase the maps contact (714) 967-0819 Cadastre Landbase Tied to Network…


Corner Record Checklist - Board Rule 464 County and City(if applicable) in which the corner is located. Township, Range and Base & Meridian on which the corner is located (if applicable…


Field Survey Section Landbase Information Systems Map Checking Geodetic Control Right of Way Engineering



Public Counter ROWE

Public Counter - Right of Way Engineering (ROWE) Processes certain land transactions: Mandated projects - dedications of land for public purposes. Capital projects - acquisition of land for…


Welcome the Service Center! Use the links below to see all the resources that are available. The OC Survey Public Counter is located in the County Service Center (see directions & hours of…

OC Public Works

OC ConstructionOC Development ServicesOC Environmental ResourcesOC Facilities Design & ConstructionOC Infrastructure ProgramsOC Operations & MaintenanceOC Survey

Research Public Assistance

If you wish to research recorded maps, property lines, private and commercial, we have the following maps and records available.  Maps & Field Notes:  (Copies may be…

Parentage Paternity

Parentage and paternity are processes for determining the legal parents of a child. Unmarried parents and parents that had their child through assisted reproduction can voluntarily establish legal…