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Showing: 1 - 10 of 4954 results

El Modena Waste Hauler Transition

New Waste Hauler Service Company for El Modena Effective July 1, 2021 The Unincorporated Areas of Orange County are broken into 11 different Franchise Areas.  El Modena is its own area –…

Test for our discussion

Dear Neighbor: This week, we held our first virtual job fair! One of my goals for the Second District has been to equally support small businesses and focus on job revitalization. I’m proud to…

SB 1383 Organics Recycling new


Grant Program

Since 2007 OC Waste & Recycling (OCWR) has provided $4.6 million in grants to local nonprofits and cities to support programs that help divert waste from Orange County’s landfills. The grants…

Implementation Compliance

WHAT In September 2016, Senate Bill (SB) 1383 (Lara, Chapter 395, Statutes of 2016) set methane emissions reduction targets for California in a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived…

Santiago Canyon

County Unincorporated (Silverado) – SANTIAGO CANYON Location:  The site is located off Santiago Canyon Road, east of the intersection of the SR 261 and SR 241, adjacent and westerly of Irvine…

Illegal Disposal

If you believe you have witnessed anyone illegally disposing hazardous waste please call 1-800-69-TOXIC. For more information on local reporting resources, please visit OC Health Care Agency…

Olinda Customer Information

Information Map/Directions Pictures Digital Pictures 2500 ft. Flyover Telephone 714-993-0372 Operating Hours Monday through Saturday 7am - 4pm  all customers 6am - 7am  transfer trucks only …

Landfill Regulations

Federal and state regulations ensure that landfill operations minimize impacts to public health and safety, and the environment. An important part of OC Waste & Recycling's mission is to apply…

Office on Aging Healthy Aging Calendar

To view the Healthy Aging calendar, please visit the website at