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Showing: 1331 - 1340 of 4800 results


Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is available to some foster youth and emancipated foster youth. Information regarding eligibility and contact numbers can be found at the Social Security…


Several of the trades unions are now offering apprenticeship opportunities. The following link is to a variety of trade apprenticeships throughout the state of California: California Apprenticeship…

Child Abuse

Orange County Child Protective Services 714-940-1000 or 800-207-4464 (24-hour hotline, 7 days a week) If you would like to discuss or report child abuse.


Elder/Disabled AbuseChild Abuse

SSA Websites

OC4Kids Child Abuse Services Team (C.A.S.T.)


Child Abuse Reporting Follow-Up Forms Mandated reporters are required by Penal Code Section 11166 to make an initial child abuse report via telephone with a follow-up via written or electronic means…


There are several employment-related services available to foster youth and emancipated foster youth. Apprenticeships Vocational Assessments Workforce Development Boards


Call Orange County Adult Protective Services (APS) at 800-451-5155 (24-Hour Hotline) The name of the reporting party is confidential. It is not disclosed to the victim, their family, or the alleged…

Why Report

By Contacting the Child Abuse Registry, your call Could save a child's life Could prevent further abuse or neglect May allow families to receive resources or services, which they may desperately…

Contractor and Vendor Compliance

Contractors, vendors, consultants and other providers of services who receive federal or state assistance through CDSS or through SSA shall comply with nondiscrimination requirements. This site…