The Family Self Sufficiency Division administers the CalWORKs and CalFresh programs and is committed to delivering readily accessible quality Employment Services to help the unemployed and…
The County of Orange uses licensed private Foster Family Agencies (FFAs) for the placement of children who require more intensive care. Effective January 1, 2017, FFAs were required to submit program…
Adult Services In-Home Supportive Services provides a wide range of domestic and personal-care services to allow persons with disabilities and elderly individuals to live safely at home. Adult…
A variety of factors such as abuse history, time since abuse occurred, previous medical examinations, past medical treatment experience, family dynamics, developmental level, temperament, etc., all…
The County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) operates under the policy direction of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the California Departments of Social Services and Health Services.…
A CalWORKs Welfare-To-Work participant who appears unable to fully participate in their assigned activity, or who exhibits behavioral problems limiting their ability to participate, may have a…
CASA Making a difference one child at a time! Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is a non-profit organization that trains community volunteers to serve as powerful mentors and advocates for…
Child Abuse Reporting Act While everyone should report suspected child abuse, The California Penal Code provides that it is a crime for certain professionals and laypersons who have a special…
It is a requirement under the CalWORKs program that parents or caretakers on aide, unless exempt to meet work requirement, participate in an approved Welfare-To-Work (WTW) employment related activity…
Everyday, people like YOU are making a difference in a child's life. They give support, show compassion, provide a safe home and help children find the courage to hope for a better life. They are…