Services Phone Number 24 Hour Suicide Prevention Line Immediate, confidential over the phone suicide prevention services to anyone who is in crisis or experiencing suicidal…
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Services for Adults & Older Adults Services for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Issues Services for Children, Teens and Young Adults Services for Older Adults/Seniors
Greetings from the Orange County Health Care Agency’s Environmental Health Food and Pool Safety Program. Our team of inspectors are here to partner with our food businesses to ensure food prepared or…
Search Forms by Topic CUPA/ Hazardous Waste Forms Emergency Informational Bulletins Environmental Health Reports Food Facility Forms and Downloads Ocean Water Protection Program Plan Check…
A system to save a life Mission The mission of Orange County Emergency Medical Services is to plan and coordinate the highest quality prehospital and emergency medical care in response to…
The Health Disaster Management Division (HDM) is part of the Orange County Health Care Agency and coordinates the Agency’s emergency response functions. The Division contains Emergency Medical…
The Health Disaster Management Division (HDM) is part of the Orange County Health Care Agency and coordinates the Agency’s emergency response functions. The Division contains Emergency Medical…
Orange County Emergency Medical Services An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a device used when someone is experiencing certain types of cardiac arrest. In cardiac arrest, or sudden…
CalOptima Application