The OC Small Business Relief Program: Unincorporated Grants will allow eligible businesses to receive up to $10,000 in grant funds. This funding is intended to help local small businesses mitigate…
December 29, 2011, the California Supreme Court upheld the provisions of AB 1X 26, effectively eliminating redevelopment agencies statewide by February 1, 2012. In accordance with AB 1X 26 the County…
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The Assessor's Responsibility Confidential Records Protecting confidential information is a legal responsibility of the Assessor, and a matter of good judgment. Public Records Government agencies…
Mission & Goals Our mission is to serve the citizens of Orange County by: Valuing all legally assessable property Developing values with fairness and impartiality Producing property tax…
You can update your mailing address by submitting the Change of Mailing Address form. Changes of mailing address for Real Estate assessments can also be reported on the "Report Address Change" form…
AircraftAssessment AppealsAssessor Parcel MapsBoats & Personal WatercraftBusiness Personal PropertyCalamities - Disaster Relief (Temporary Reduction)Change of Ownership & Transfer…
Supplemental Assessments Two Supplemental Assessments? Depending on the date of change of ownership or completion of new construction, you may receive one or two supplemental bills: If a change of…
Real Estate Fraud Real estate fraud is a form of theft criminals may use to steal your home, real estate holdings or the equity in your property. Real estate fraud is on the rise throughout the…
Taxpayer's Advocate For additional assistance, you may contact our Taxpayer's Advocate, Maria Melchor at 714-568-5737. Assessor Department Contact Information…