On the Job Training is a form of subsidized employment in which a participant receives job skills training from an employer. After the training period, the employer is expected to hire the…
Putting the Puzzle Together (7 hours).This program is designed to provide mandated reporters with insights into the roles and responsibilities of Child Protective Services and other CAST team member…
Welcome to the Orange County In-Home Supportive Services Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) webpage. FLSA involves new rules regarding overtime, travel time, wait time, violations, and the new…
Children are brought to CAST only after a report of suspected maltreatment has been made to a child protective agency. In Orange County, both the Department of Children and Family Services within the…
You may be eligible to attend school while participating in the CalWORKs Welfare to Work Program. If you are already in school when you apply you might be eligible to continue, or we may be able to…
For youth that will not have enough credits to graduate before leaving foster care, they may seek information regarding the G.E.D. through the high school they are attending. The youth that did not…
Overview of Continuum of Care: CA Department of Social Services CCR, http://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/Continuum-of-Care-Reform CCR Toolkit: CA Department of Health Care Services, Mental…
Several of the trades unions are now offering apprenticeship opportunities. The following link is to a variety of trade apprenticeships throughout the state of California: California…
Sponsored by the Orange County Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Steering Committee…
Children and Family Services The mission of Orange County Children and Family Services is to strengthen and stabilize families and to create an environment where children are free from abuse in…