200801-January I. Letter to the Board of Supervisors (75.9 KB) II. Investment Pool Balances (17.2 KB) III. Benchmark Comparisons (46.4 KB) IV. Composition Charts & Graphs (89.5 KB) IX. Non-…
01-22-14 TOC Agenda (31 KB) 01-22-14 TOC Minutes (175.3 KB) 04-23-14 TOC Agenda (168.8 KB) 04-23-14 TOC Minutes (176.2 KB) 07-23-14 TOC Agenda (176.7 KB) 07-23-14 TOC Minutes (184.3 KB) 10-22-14 TOC…
200901-January I. Letter to the Board of Supervisors (203.8 KB) II. Investment Pool Statistics (18.8 KB) III. Benchmark Comparisons (45.5 KB) IV. Composition Charts & Graphs (89.7 KB) IX. Non-…
Federal Links National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers Association of Public Treasurers…
01-28-15 TOC Agenda (152.7 KB) 01-28-15 TOC Minutes (167.4 KB) 04-22-15 TOC Agenda (158.8 KB) 04-22-15 TOC Minutes (169.5 KB) 07-29-15 TOC Agenda (208.5 KB) 07-29-15 TOC Minutes (177.2 KB) 09-28-15…
201001-January 01. Letter to the Board of Supervisors (109.4 KB) 02. Investment Pool Statistics (17.4 KB) 03. Benchmark Comparisons (42.2 KB) 04. Composition Charts & Graphs (55.6 KB) 05. Cash…
201101-January 01. Memo to Board of Supervisors (1.12 MB) 02. Investment Pool Statistics (29.9 KB) 03. Investment Objectives (1.33 MB) 04. Cash Availability Projection per California Government Code…
2012 01. January (2.76 MB) 02. February (4.92 MB) 03. March (3.8 MB) 04. April (4.76 MB) 05. May (3.11 MB) 06. June (3.49 MB) 07. July (3.41 MB) 08. August (8.68 MB) 09. September (2.56 MB) 10.…
2013 01. January (3.84 MB) 02. February (1.96 MB) 03. March (4.56 MB) 04. April (2.28 MB) 05. May (5 MB) 06. June (3.59 MB) 07. July (3.23 MB) 08. August (2.46 MB) 09. September (7.07 MB) 10. October…