Secured Property Taxes Secured Tax Bill Example
Due to new property tax legislation effective for the 2004-2005 fiscal year, the County and the cities will receive property taxes from the schools' allocation to replace local sales taxes and…
The Assessor (1) establishes the assessed value of your property by appraising your property as required by State Law. The assessed value of your property is placed on a list called the…
Unsecured Property Taxes Unsecured Tax Bill Example
Unsecured property is that on which taxes are not liens on real property sufficient to secure payment of the taxes. Some typical items assessed and collected on the unsecured roll include: boats,…
Unsecured property taxes are those in which the lien is against the assessee.
Resources to Assist Taxpayers Financial Tip of the Week Coronavirus relief continues for housing and student loans As the Coronavirus pandemic continues,…
Financial Resources (including Tip of the Week) Reports / Statistics
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