If you have an urgent question, please email us at ttcinfo@ttc.ocgov.com or call us at 714-834-3411 (9 am to 5 pm M-F).
Tax Billing/Payment Information (714) 834-3411 (9 am to 4:45 pm) or ttcinfo@ttc.ocgov.com Assessor (Real Property Valuations): (714) 834-2727 Assessor (Business…
If you have an urgent question, please email us at ttcinfo@ttc.ocgov.com.
Same day deposit /withdrawal of funds (fax 714-834-2912 by 9:30am PST) Withdrawals over $5 million (24-hour notice) Unlimited transactions per month No maximum dollar amount of investment per…
You will need a resolution from your legislative body to have the Orange County Investment Pool (OCIP) added to your allowable investments, sign an agreement and also include language in your…
Transaction Request Form-1 or 2 signatures (5.19 MB) Request For Agency Address Change (4.75 MB) Authorization for Changing Bank and / or Account Numbers (4…