Homeless Prevention coordinates the County’s Continuum of Care System for the homeless which focuses on homeless prevention, outreach and assessment, emergency shelter, transitional housing,…
Your resource for Orange County law and justice information. Featured Services Reducing Recidivism by Rebuilding Lives The OC Re-Entry Partnership serves as a critical link between community…
When starting a new business, there are many important decisions to make and many rules and procedures that must be addressed. Click a category on the left to learn more. Featured Services Steps…
CapWeb A list of congressional representatives by State Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Includes the "10…
Citizenship United States Citizenship is one of the most desired gifts that the U.S. government can give, and the most important immigration benefit that the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration…
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View general citation information, pay your ticket online or register for traffic school. Featured Services Pay Your Traffic Violation Traffic citations can be paid online. Online (internet)…
County Legislative Platform (2019-2020) 2019 County Priorities County Legislative Platform (2017-2018) County Legislative Platform (2015) County Legislative Platform (2014…
Death certificates for those who died in Orange County hospitals are automatically registered with the county. Deaths at home must be registered with the Health Care Agency's Office of Vital…
Helpful links to government websites: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) City of Los Angeles City of San Diego Congressional Representatives by State Counties in California Federal Bureau of…