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Showing: 411 - 420 of 4774 results

Citizenship Voting

Learn about becoming a United States citizen, register to vote and view election results here. Featured Services Register to Vote Every resident must be properly registered with the Registrar of…

Animal Control

County Animal ControlFeatured Services Emergency Animal Evacuation Information Available OC Animal Care has provided recommendations concerning how and…

Regional Wilderness Parks

Orange County’s extensive regional park system is comprised of 39,000 acres in 25 urban and wilderness parks. This land includes: seven regional historic sites, 7,000 acres of open space and 230…

Get a Copy of

A Birth Certificate A Death Certificate A Marriage Certificate A Marriage License Board Meetings On-Demand Board of Supervisors Agendas Certified Copy of Registration…

Correctional Facilities

Locate County and State facilities, view visitation information and read about programs for adults and juveniles in custody. Click a category on the left to get started.

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Legislative Affairs

The G&CR Legislative Affairs (LA) team’s primary goal is to protect the County’s interests in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. The G&CR LA team is the primary communication link between the…

Continuing Adult Education

There are many options and opportunities for continuing and adult education in Orange County whether it's through one of the local colleges and universities, adult education schools, or through the…

SB 272 Catalog

Senate Bill 272 Approved on October 11, 2015, adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring local agencies to create a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016 with annual…

Press Conference Videos

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