Project Nomination Each year the cities are invited to present their needs and priorities to CEFCAC for consideration. County divisions are also invited to nominate projects using the Project…
One of the County’s primary objectives is to provide our community with a safe and efficient unincorporated roadway system through the planning, design, construction and maintenance of road…
If your home, apartment, or business has suffered flood damage, immediately call the agent or company who handles your flood insurance policy. The agent will then submit a loss form to the National…
Why do I need to rethink insurance? Transcript If you were hit by a flood or other natural disaster today, would you have enough money to rebuild? The truth is, probably not. In fact, two out of…
USACE LA District Debris Yield Los Angeles District Method for Prediction of Debris YieldFebruary 1992 - Updated February 2000 In this section…
On December 14, 1989, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and the County Flood Control District of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino as Local Sponsors, entered into a four-party Local…
The SARI Relocation Project will replace nearly 4 miles of the existing pipeline from the Orange/San Bernardino county line at Green River Golf Club to SAVI Ranch. The proposed 54-inch-diameter…
To buy a flood insurance policy, call your insurance agent or contact one of the participating insurance companies and type in your address or Write Your Own (WYO) insurance companies (see definition…
FIRM Instructions To get access to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), click here. To find a flood map for a specific address or landmark, you may type an address in the search…
Construction Projects Crawford Canyon Road Sidewalk Extension - Road 20-21 - DISTRICT 3 Oso Parkway Bridge Project - DISTRICT 5 East Garden Grove-Wintersburg Channel Project - Warner Avenue…