High BMI Doubles Risk of Gestational Diabetes Pregnant women in Orange County with a pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher are twice as likely to develop…
Organizations Information Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS) Farmers Markets Provide information and resources about farmers markets American Dietetic Association…
Network Contractors Within the Orange County Region Organization Type of Network Project Contact and Email County of Orange Health Care Agency Health Dept-…
Participants that are unable to come to the WIC site and are offered the option to complete a nutrition class on-line at home, can visit http://www.wichealth.org/ and follow the steps below.…
The WIC program refers and coordinates with other programs for additional services that may benefit each WIC participant/applicant. The WIC program provides each participant/applicant…
Title Download NuPAC Fact Sheet Resources for Prevention and Treatment of Overweight Youth - Sept. 2005 Recipe for…
Orange County has a number of interagency programs that serve high-needs and/or at-risk children and their families. Click on one of the program titles below to learn about the purpose, target…
Further Information and Resources Automobile Club of Southern California - (800) 541-5552 American Academy of Pediatrics California Highway Patrol The California Department of Public Health…
211 CalOptima Community Clinics Medi-Cal Medical Safety Net Program (MSN)
Advantages of Smokefree Apartments In addition to the advantages that landlords receive for smokefree properties, HOAs also can benefit from: Increased Property Values The smell of smoke in a unit…