Immunization Skills Training For Medical Assistants An Innovative, Competency-Based Training On Safe, Effective, And Caring Immunization Techniques Developed By The State. Topics Covered Include…
The Orange County Health Care Agency's Water Quality Lab participates in educational seminars, such as the "Water Quality 101" class: Click here for Water Quality 101 Information (PDF file). The…
The role of Public Health Services is to coordinate and provide services that promote and protect the health of those who live, work, and play in Orange County. The Public Health Services Strategic…
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise specified, the Health Care Agency does not maintain nor is it responsible for the content of any of the outside sites linked to our Web pages. Inclusion of a Web site…
Introduction The Water Quality Laboratory (WQL), located in Newport Beach, California, is an adjunct laboratory of Orange County Public Health Laboratory (OCPHL), Santa Ana. Microbiological water…
about downloading files Reports Baby Beach Studies (2002-2003) Baby Beach State of the Beach Report 2003 Baby Beach Bacteriological Special Studies Report 2003 San Juan Creek Watershed…
Internships: If you are an Undergraduate or Graduate student with a background in Health Science or Public Health and you need to complete internship hours, ADEPT might be the place for you…
Warmline Provides 27/7 peer telephone support to those experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of a mental health disorder or who are at risk of developing one.
ADEPT Strategic Plan FY 2018-2023 This strategic plan serves to guide the alcohol and other drug (AOD) prevention services provided by the County of Orange Health Care Agency.
OC Links Behavioral Health Line is available 24/7 at (855) 625-4657. OC Links provides information and linkage to any of the Health Care Agency's Mental Health and Recovery Services, including…