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Showing: 101 - 110 of 4792 results

21003026 Use of Force

In January of 2021, deputies were involved in a use of force in the City of Yorba Linda. The Use of Force was determined to be within policy.   https://cpraazlrshotprod1.blob.core.usgovcloudapi…

21010034 Use of Force

In March of 2021, deputies were involved in a use of force at the Theo Lacy Facility in Orange.  The use of force was determined to be within policy.  https://cpraazlrshotprod1.blob.core.…

11222961 OIS

In December of 2011, a deputy was involved in an officer involved shooting in the City of Lake Forest. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and no criminal…

12108630 OIS

In June of 2012, a deputy was involved in an Officer Involved Shooting in the City of San Juan Capistrano.  No injuries resulted from the OIS.  The case was investigated by the Orange…

13034439 OIS

In February of 2013, a deputy was involved in an officer involved shooting in the City of Stanton. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and no criminal charges…

13155963 OIS

In August of 2013, a deputy was involved in an officer involved shooting in the City of Yorba Linda. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and no criminal charges…

15165583 OIS

In August of 2015, deputies were involved in an officer involved shooting in San Diego County. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and the San Diego County…

16287025 OIS

In December of 2016 , a deputy was involved in an officer involved shooting in the City of Dana Point. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and no criminal…

18002705 OIS

In January of 2018, deputies were involved in an officer involved shooting in the City of  Lake Forest. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and no criminal…

19032109 OIS

In August of 2019, deputies were involved in an officer involved shooting in the City of Stanton. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and no criminal charges…