Welcome!Red Ribbon Week is a campaign created to increase awareness about alcohol, and other drug prevention, as well as to kick-off a year of prevention that promotes drug-free lifestyles. Red…
ADEPT Red Ribbon Program
About Us
In early November 2004, California voters passed Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act, (MHSA) with 53.4% of the vote. Now, through the provisions of the MHSA, the challenges become the…
Networking for K12 and College Students
Coming Soon.
Alcohol Drug Abuse Outpatient Clinics
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OC Links Moved to New Location
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HCA Patient Portal
Do not use the HCA Portal for urgent medical matters. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING A HEALTH-RELATED EMERGENCY, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. If you need immediate attention from your service provider or clinic,…
Authority Quality Improvement Children Youth Prevention Behavioral Health CYPBH Support Team
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Get Involved
OC Animal Care is fortunate to have many supportive community members that assist us with community education, animal rescue, volunteering, fundraising and much more. There are many ways to get…