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Showing: 1341 - 1350 of 4792 results

Extended Foster Care AB12

Extended Foster Care (EFC) (also referred to as Assembly Bill 12 or AB12) allows for current dependents or wards of the Juvenile Court to continue to have an open Social Services or Probation case…

Making A Report

If you would like to discuss or report child abuse, you may call 714-940-1000 or 800-207-4464, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Community members have an important role in protecting children from…

IHSS Direct Deposit

IHSS/WPCS Providers: Direct Deposit is Available for You What is Direct Deposit? Direct Deposit is an optional way to receive your IHSS/WPCS paycheck. With Direct Deposit, your IHSS paycheck…


Overview-Fiscal Year 2019-2020, Budget Report The Social Services Agency (SSA), operating under the policy directly of the Board of Supervisors and the California Department of Social Services and…

Be The One OC

SEX TRAFFICKING.  IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK.  CHILDREN ARE VICTIMS, TOO. What is Sex Trafficking? It’s not what you think. Child sex trafficking, also known as the Commercial Sexual…

Contract Services

The Contract Services section is responsible for the development, soliciting, negotiating, and administering of human services contracts for the County of Orange Social Services Agency. Contract…

Children Family Services

The Children and Family Services Division provides services designed to protect children from abuse and neglect, and provides services to at risk families. SSA staff and community partners work to…

Definitions of ElderDisabled Abuse

Adult Protective Services (APS) at 800-451-5155 (24-Hour Hotline) Physical Abuse Beating, slapping, pushing, or kicking Restrictions on freedom of movement, such as confining the victim in the…

Jobs Contracts

Job Opportunities Are you looking for a unique and challenging opportunity? If so, please consider joining the Orange County Social Services Agency. We have excellent benefits including tuition…

Foster Care Policies

 701 - Extended Foster Care (403.3 KB)  701-A Extended Foster Care - Probation (942.7 KB)  702 - Kinship Guardianship…