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In May of 2009, a Deputy was involved in an Officer Involved Shooting in the unincorporated area of North Tustin. No injuries resulted from the OIS. The case was investigated and no criminal…
In May of 2011, a Deputy was involved in an Officer Involved Shooting in the city of Laguna Hills. No injuries resulted from the OIS. The case was investigated and no criminal charges…
In May of 2020, Deputies were involved in an Officer Involved Shooting in the city of Laguna Niguel. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and no criminal…
In June of 2004, Deputies were involved in a Deputy Involved Shooting in the unincorporated Black Star Canyon area. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and…
In January 2008, Deputies were involved in a Deputy Involved Shooting in the unincorporated Rossmoor area. The case was investigated by the Orange County District Attorney's Office and no…
In July of 2019, A deputy was found to be dishonest in the performance of duty. The employee was terminated in December 2019. The employee was awarded his job back through arbitration in…
In June of 2017, A deputy found to use prejudice/discrimination in the performance of duty. Discipline was issued and served. https://cpraazlrshotprod1.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/…
On August 24, 2018, deputies were involved in a use of force at the Theo Lacy Facility in Orange. The use of force was determined to be outside of policy with policy violations addressed and…
On March 3, 2020, deputies were involved in a use of force at the Theo Lacy Facility in Orange. The use of force was determined to be within policy. https://cpraazlrshotprod1.blob.core.…