Monthly reports can be located by logging in to your tutor portal at after the 20th of each month. Monthly reports open on the 20th, and close on the final day of the…
Literacy Centers Aliso Viejo Library …
Assembly Bill No. 1234 (Chapter 700, Statutes of 2005) imposed requirements on certain public officials to complete an ethics training every two years. These requirements are codified in Cal. Govt.…
All Board meetings are available to the public for purchase on audio CD or DVD video. To request an audio CD or video DVD call (714) 834-3462. There is a charge of $1.00 plus applicable shipping…
Board of Supervisors Orange County Assessor Orange County Auditor Controller Orange County Tax Collector
Welcome to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors website. We hope that you find our site easy to use and the information that we have selected for you beneficial. We invite you to browse the site and…
California Revenue and Taxation Code California State Board of Equalization Codified Ordinance Roster of Clerk of the Board Offices in California
What The Words Really Mean The assessment appeals process includes its own special terminology. Understanding the meanings of the following terms will make filling out your Application form and…
The formal process of submitting proposed district boundaries for the County of Orange Board of Supervisors will begin after the U.S. Census Bureau releases the Public Law (P.L.) 94-171 Redistricting…
Final - 2021 County of Orange Redistricting Plan From June 22, 2021 Board Meeting 2021 Decennial Redistricting Process Every ten years, local governments use new Census data to redraw their…