Parks Holy Jim Historic TrailTrabuco Canyon Road Mission Viejo 909-736-1811 O'Neill Regional Park30892 Trabuco Canyon Road Trabuco Canyon 949-923-2260 Off-Leash Dog Parks Central Bark6405 Oak Canyon…
Share what autumn in Orange County, California, means to you by participating in our “Autumn OC” photo contest. Whether you’re visiting an OC Parks pumpkin patch, enjoying the fall foliage or…
Sign up for the E-mail Updates County of Orange 2020 Census Complete your 2020 Census today! It’s easy, only takes a few minutes, and is completely safe. By law, your answers cannot be shared…
Remember, in a life-threatnening emergency, always call 9-1-1 for immediate assistance. To report criminal or suspicious activity, please contact your local law enforcement agency (view a list)…
Travel and vacation planning information for Orange County destinations. Featured Services Beaches & Parks Orange County has 42 miles of beautiful coastline, three harbors and 25 urban and…
Within the immediate area of a terrorist event, you would need to rely on police, fire, and other officials for instructions. However, you can prepare in much the same way you would prepare for other…
Background On February 1, 2008, the County of Orange filed a lawsuit seeking to invalidate the retroactive portion of a pension increase that had been granted to many County peace officers effective…
Report a suspicious substance or parcel by calling 9-1-1. Featured Services Suspicious Parcels Parcels that should make you suspicious: Are unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you Have…
The Orange County Community Indicators Report, released annually since 2000, tracks our region’s health and prosperity. The report includes a core set of indicators on a range of topics that track…