Helpful links to State of California web sites: California Department of Finance California Department of Insurance California Department of Motor Vehicles California Franchise…
Discover the rich heritage of Orange County by visiting historical sites that have attracted pioneers of art, agriculture, aviation and other remarkable achievements throughout the years. Featured…
Recent provisions in law have changed the rules for assigning a Social Security number and issuing a Social Security card. Below are links to help you through the process.Change your name on your…
Please check back for a list of federal grant opportunities.
Please visit the web sites below to learn more about the branches of the United States military. U.S. Air Force U.S. Air Force U.S. Air Force Reserve U.S. Army U.S. Army U.S. Army Reserve…
Please check back for a list of the most recent grant opportunities.
Marriage licenses are issued to applicants on the spot. A marriage license is valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. There are no citizenship or residency requirements; nor are blood tests…
Domestic, child, elder/dependent and animal abuse information and resources. Featured Services Reporting Child Abuse Community members have an important role in protecting children from abuse…
Find information on public school districts, universities and continuing adult education in Orange County. Featured Services Public School Districts Find educational information for parents,…
The County’s Grant Opportunities and Resources Center is a site that offers information specifically designed to meet the grant seeking needs of County departments, local agencies and community…