Assembly Bill (AB) 1236, which amends the California Government Code Section 65850.7, requires that, on or before September 30, 2017, every city or county must adopt an expedited, streamlined…
Building and Safety is committed to ensuring safe design and construction of grading and building projects within the unincorporated areas of Orange County and for County owned projects through the…
A grading permit provides you formal permission to perform project grading in accordance with the approved permit documents (i.e. drawings, calculations, specifications). We provide grading plan…
Welcome to the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO) information page. Described below are the various requirements that must be met throughout the project development and construction process.…
Welcome to Plan Check. We will provide you with a single point of contact while your grading and building plans are in this phase of the process. Should you have any questions, please contact your…
Building and Safety is committed to ensuring safe design and construction of grading and building projects within the unincorporated areas of Orange County and for County owned projects through the…
Planned Communities / Specific Plans / Local Coastal Programs Coto de Caza Coto de Caza Specific Plan Coto de Caza Map Cowan Ranch Cowan Ranch Planned Community…
Preventing the discharge of pollutants to receiving waters is essential to protecting designated beneficial uses. In order to maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of Orange…
Click on the image above to download high resolution version of map. Anaheim Public Utilities Anaheim West Tower 201 South Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 765-3300 (business…