TBS Documentation Manual DHCS TBS Coordination of Care TBS Essentials Updated 08-27-2020
Serving: All Orange County residents and students Facility: County Contracted--Orange County Department of Education Region: Countywide Program Administration Address: 200 Kalmus Drive,…
Navigation and Training provides quality services with compassion and integrity, and promotes wellness for individuals and families in our diverse community by supporting effective navigation of…
Emergency Medical Services 405 W. Fifth Street, Suite 301A Santa Ana, CA 92701 - Map 714-834-3500 EMT Licensing Appointments only Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m…
Presumptive Transfer Assembly Bill (AB) 1299 (Ridley-Thomas, Chapter 603, Statutes 2016) was established to presumptively transfer the responsibility for the provision of, or arranging and payment…