Date Meeting Type Agenda (available in .pdf) Audio Minutes (available in .mp3) October 28, 2020 Orange County Workforce…
OCWDB 2021 Meeting Calendar OCWDB Full Board Date Agenda (Available in .pdf) Audio minutes (Available in .mp3) November 24, 2021 View Agenda Listen Now…
In partnership with the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the Orange County Workforce Development Board (OCWDB) oversees Orange County's workforce development activities and establishes…
Industry Clusters of Orange County Approximately three fourths of all Orange County jobs are in the Clusters. These clusters were chosen to reflect both key economic drivers for the Orange County…
Qualified schools/institutions, in the Orange County LWDA, that are included on the statewide ETPL, are eligible to receive referrals for subsidized training under the Workforce Innovation and…
OC Regional Plans (2016 - 2020) OC Local Plans (2016 - 2020) Orange Regional Plan Two-Year Modifications 2017 - 2021 OCRPU Listening Session PPT (11.29.18)
On July 22, 2014, then President Obama passed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to amend the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 and to provide states and local areas the…
The Orange County Community Resources / Community Investment Division is currently responsible for the funding, monitoring, and administering contracts of four domestic violence shelters in the…
Orange County ASCE infrastructure report cards were prepared in 2002, 2005, and 2010, and were instrumental in raising awareness of elected officials, decision makers, and the general public as to…
Please use the navigation menu to learn more about the following infrastructure projects: Cow Camp Road Los Patrones Parkway Note: OC Public Works generally retains two years of records on its…