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Showing: 391 - 400 of 4639 results


A Child Support Order A Pet License Airport Information Divorce Records GIS Data Property Records Veterans Benefits Assistance


Whether you're planning a move to the area or learning what the County offers, find all you need to know about Orange County, community services and resources. Featured Services Medi-Cal…

Children Family Services

Programs and services for Orange County children and their families. Featured Services Adoption Overview Adoption is the permanent, legal transfer of parental rights and responsibilities from a…

Flood Emergency

Be aware of flood hazards no matter where you live, but especially if you live in a low-lying area, near water or downstream from a dam.  Even very small streams, ground areas, gullies, creeks,…


The County government consists of 24 departments that provide outstanding, cost-effective public services to the Orange County community. Meet your local officials, learn more about County…

Homeless Services

Homeless Prevention coordinates the County’s Continuum of Care System for the homeless which focuses on homeless prevention, outreach and assessment, emergency shelter, transitional housing,…

Law Justice

Your resource for Orange County law and justice information. Featured Services Reducing Recidivism by Rebuilding Lives The OC Re-Entry Partnership serves as a critical link between community…

Starting a Business

When starting a new business, there are many important decisions to make and many rules and procedures that must be addressed.  Click a category on the left to learn more.   Featured Services Steps…

Federal Government

CapWeb A list of congressional representatives by State Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Includes the "10…

Citizenship Naturalization

Citizenship United States Citizenship is one of the most desired gifts that the U.S. government can give, and the most important immigration benefit that the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration…