coming soon
Neighborhood Preservation works with stakeholders in an effort to maintain healthy, safe and desirable communities in the unincorporated areas of the County of Orange. Our effectiveness is based…
Issued Permits Ocean and Bay Closures Building Plan Check
OC Construction provides construction management, inspection and compliance monitoring services for the construction of roads, bridges, flood control facilities and bikeways in support of OC Public…
Construction Management Provides services for County-funded infrastructure projects, including administering public works contracts and providing inspection services. Materials Laboratory Provides…
Via Terracaleta Initial Study IS PA19-0100 06.07.19 Initial Study exhibits only 06.07.19 Via Terracaleta NOP 06.07.19 Application letter Vesting Tentative Tract Map 17306 - 1st…
OC Road Fee ProgramsFor any additional information, please contact the OC Road Fee Programs Team and someone will get back to you.Address:601 N. Ross Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Click here for…