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Showing: 581 - 590 of 4639 results

Flood Programs

Flood Programs is comprised of Floodplain Management,  Hydrology and the Santa Ana River Section. Floodplain Management consists of preparing facilities studies; assisting other OCPW…

Building Permit Information

A building permit provides you formal permission to begin construction of a building project in accordance with the approved permit documents (i.e. drawings, calculations, specifications).  We…


O&M has GIS maps that depict the County’s maintained roadways and flood control facilities.  These maps are used to monitor and manage maintenance activities and projects. …


Seven Oaks Dam Seven Oaks Dam is one of the largest earth and rock-filled dams in the world. It is as high as a fifty story building and ten football fields in length from side to side. Situated…

Holiday Schedule

The OC Public Works facilities will be closed on the following Observed 2020 Holidays: * Indicates the observed date differs from the actual date of the holiday.   2020 HOLIDAY…

Office Locations

County Administration South 601 North Ross Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 Click  here for directions.   Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4048 Santa…

Urban Runoff Diversions

The Pump Station O&M Team is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the County's urban runoff diversions and run off filtration systems. Working with the OCSD to divert urban runoff…

Wellness Centers

Peer Support and Wellness Center Serving: Orange County Adults 18 and olderFacility: County Contracted – College Community ServicesRegion: Countywide Address: 401 S. Tustin St., Bldg. C, Orange CA…

Well Permitting Forms

Click on the icon, in the table below, to download the appropriate file. about downloading files  Bulletin for the Destruction of Monitoring Wells and Soil Borings (21.2 KB…